Counting our Blessings This Holiday Season
Island Recreation has been blessed with the opportunity to build hundreds of playgrounds in Hawaii and we've never met a child or a group of children that didn't deserve a safe place to play. However, only on a rare occasion will we run across a unique situation like Kuhio Park Terrace. With an under 12 child population greater than the enrollment of any public elementary school in the state, we're pretty certain that Hawaii's largest public housing project is the island's largest group of children without a safe place to play. Currently children play in the housing elevators, streets, and nearby drainage ditches. We consider it an honor to donate our time and services to join with the good spirit and dedication of all Kuhio Park Terrace/ Kuhio Homes residents and all the supporting agencies involved to provide a safe and enriching play environment for these very deserving children.
In November 2004, Island Recreation was privledged to be included in the Kuhio Park Terrace Ground Blessing and Dedication Ceremony.
Irv and Helenann Lauber
We donated the welcome sign to commemorate the day and two great Hawaii citizens:
This playground is dedicated to
Helenann and Irving Lauber
who made our community a better
place to raise our Kieki.
Helenann Lauber
Helen Ann's career was at the Parents and Children Together's Family Center that is located on the grounds of KPT/KH and she is much beloved by the community
Irv Lauber
Irv Lauber's career at Aloha United Way spanned 14 years. He was responsible for expanding the agencies role of fundraiser to community builder.